Posted Tue, 11 Nov 2014 00:48:02 GMT by Cruz Bonilla. CJB Detailing LLC Owner

When I generate shop drawings. I will get the M. Bolts to show up in the bolt list but I cannot get the expansion anchors to show up. Is there a trick to get them to show up? Also when I generate my kss file, the bolts are not listed. Can someone help shed some light.



Posted Wed, 12 Nov 2014 14:44:44 GMT by

Good morning Cruz, 

To get the expension anchors to show up you need to use the tie bolt list. Unfortunately the bolts do not appear on the kiss file. You can send that list using the bolt list available.


Posted Sun, 16 Nov 2014 20:29:10 GMT by Cruz Bonilla. CJB Detailing LLC Owner

Thank you Pascal, that was helpful. But I have one more question regarding bolts. Is there a way to generate shop drawings for Anchor bolts?



Posted Mon, 17 Nov 2014 15:06:04 GMT by Janet Black Graitec Inc. Advance Steel Specialist

HI Cruze,

To generate shop drawings for Anchor bolts, place the UCS accordingly and you can use the Drawings Styles>Detail Node. Try a Style from the list to achieve your end results. 


I have attached a step by step that you can use as a guide. Try using the cameras also!

Best Regards,


Attachment: [file not found]

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