
When you create a Portal Frame, the column size proposed by default is a HEA200 and the rafter is a IPE200.

How to change the column and rafter sizes in the Portal Frame macro

In order to modify e.g. the "Column size", you need to go to the Management Tools ("Start the Management Tools" icon from the "Standard" toolbar), go to "Default sections" category and search for the "Default section for structural element (Column)" default.

How to change the column and rafter sizes in the Portal Frame macro

If you want to define a IPE360 (instead of the HEA200), just change

"HEA nach DIN#@§@#HEA200" by "IPE nach DIN#@§@#IPE360".

How to change the column and rafter sizes in the Portal Frame macro

Remark: the default for the rafter size is "Default section for structural element (Tie Beam)"

Then press" Load settings in Advance" to save the changes and go back to Advance Steel.

How to change the column and rafter sizes in the Portal Frame macro

Next time you will create a Portal Frame, the proposed "Column size" will be IPE360 as defined.

How to change the column and rafter sizes in the Portal Frame macro

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