
In Advance Steel the units are defined for each model, drawing and list. This means that a drawing contains a certain setting for the units and precision.

There are certain cases where it is necessary to have a different precision or unit setting for a single item. This is possible in Advance Steel by defining, for just a label, a different unit and precision setting.

To do this, you need to add a [1,2,3] to the token, for example, for a %Length token it has to look like %[1,2,3]Length
While the 1, 2, 3 must be replaced by the required keys from the unit tables in AstorBase.

How can I define the units and precision for a single label

The first number is the unit key from the tables in AstorBase.mdb starting with UnitOf... (e.g., for a distance it is from UnitsOfDistance).

The second number is the unit type from the UnitsType table in AstorBase.mdb.

The third number is the unit precision from the UnitsPrecision table in AstorBase.mdb

In the above example we used [3,3,1], which means:

Key 3 from AstorBase.mdb UnitsOfDistance table: Millimeter

How can I define the units and precision for a single label

Key 3 from AstorBase.mdb UnitsType table: Decimal

How can I define the units and precision for a single label

Key 1 from AstorBase.mdb UnitsPrecision table: no decimals

How can I define the units and precision for a single label

Result: Even with the model units set to display 2 decimals (2643.68) we can have a shown length rounded to full millimeters (2644).

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