
As an example, create a concrete column with an L symmetric cross section (select the cross section type from the list of defined cross sections). On the top of the column create two beams with a rectangular R25*50 cross section.

How is an eccentric compression force for a column modeled

Once created, the beam axes are crossing in the L cross section's center of gravity.

How is an eccentric compression force for a column modeled

Actually, the beams are created at the top face of the column, which leads to an eccentric compression action. To correctly model this situation, proceed with the following steps:

  • Determine the distance from the column cross section's center of gravity to the beams axes intersection point.
  • How is an eccentric compression force for a column modeled

  • In the column properties window, modify the cross section eccentricity: select "other" for the eccentricity type, and then enter the eccentricity value for both ends of the column along the y and z local axes.
  • How is an eccentric compression force for a column modeled

  • After applying the loads on the two beams you will obtain results for the My and Mz bending moments in addition to the Fx axial force.
  • How is an eccentric compression force for a column modeled

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