
All the detail drawings are created in a prototype file which contains a frame and a page header. The frame is a block which fits the details and it is according to the page format. The page header is a block which contains useful information about the structure name, the details scale, the projection creation date and so on. Explode the block in order to visualize which tokens are mostly used from a page header.

Which are the available tokens in the page header in the detail drawing?

The information about client, contactor, project, building, detailer, designer, data and user attributes of the project can be completed in the model part using the "Project settings" dialog box.

Which are the available tokens in the page header in the detail drawing?

Which are the available tokens in the page header in the detail drawing?

Which are the available tokens in the page header in the detail drawing?

The other tokens are taken from the Advance Properties window of the element: position number, material, coating, phase, role, name and object type.

Which are the available tokens in the page header in the detail drawing?

Which are the available tokens in the page header in the detail drawing?

Which are the available tokens in the page header in the detail drawing?

The following is a list with all tokens which can be used in the page header:





PROJECT Project Name
PROJECT_NO Project No.
CLIENT Client Name
BUILDING Building Name
BUILDING_LOCATION Location of the Building
CONTRACTOR Contractor Name
DATE_ORDER Date of Order
DATE_CONSTR Date of construction
DESIGNER Checked by
DETAILER Detailed by
MODEL_DWG Name of model.dwg
DRAWING_NO Drawing number
POS_NUM Piece mark of object
DATE_DRAW Date of created drawing
SCALE Scale used for detail
MATERIAL Material of the object
REVISION_INDEX Revision index
REVISION_AUTHOR Revision created by
REVISION_DATE Revision date
REV_COMMENT Revision description
REV_DETAILS Revision details
COATING Coating of the object
PHASE Phase / Lot of the object
GRIDREFERENCE The object position reported to grid
SINGLEPARTPOSNUM Single part mark of object
DRAWING_NO_PREFIX The object prefix
USERPROJATTR1 Project user attribute 1
USERPROJATTR2 Project user attribute 2
USERPROJATTR3 Project user attribute 3
USERPROJATTR4 Project user attribute 4
USERPROJATTR5 Project user attribute 5

New attributes can be added in page header beginning with Advance Steel 2013. These attributes are useful when the single parts or assemblies are detailed one per page.

USERATTR1 User attribute 1  
USERATTR2 User attribute 2  
USERATTR3 User attribute 3  
USERATTR4 User attribute 4  
USERATTR5 User attribute 5  
USERATTR6 User attribute 6  
USERATTR7 User attribute 7  
USERATTR8 User attribute 8  
USERATTR9 User attribute 9  
USERATTR10 User attribute 10  
FILENAME Detail drawing name  
ROLE Model role  
NAME Free remark  
OBJECTTYPE Section name  
QUANTITY Quantity  
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