Posted Tue, 16 Jul 2013 00:51:52 GMT by
I have a very long model that I need to place a Plan View on a size B sheet of paper. The smallest that the scale will allow me to go, when creating the drawing, is 1/16"=1'. And this is not small enough to fit on the B sheet.

How can I scale this drawing to allow it to fit on the B sheet?

Please Help! 818-287-1580
Posted Tue, 16 Jul 2013 09:11:41 GMT by Dumitru BERTEANU Graitec ROMANIA

To add additional scales to be used by Drawing Style Manager, you need to add a new definition line in Scale table, as follows :

- open AstorBase table with a table editor (GAM / Table editor will also work). The table is found in C:\ProgramData\Graitec\Advance Steel\2013\Steel\Data\

- Open the table Scales

- Add a new line with the following parameters :

          Key - internal unique name. It can be the name of the scale as well.

          RunName - the name it appears at the interface, in your case 1/16"=1'

          Value - the value to which views are divided to obtain the correct scale. A 1/16"=1" scale will need the value 0.0625

          OwnerText - any of the existing owners.

          Drawing - the scale name that will appears in drawing labels and titles.

          Imperial - check this box to get the new scale avaliable on Advance Steel instalations that uses imperial units.

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