Posted Sat, 11 Aug 2012 09:18:11 GMT by
how to create custom connection from other template connection
please help me
Posted Mon, 13 Aug 2012 04:06:44 GMT by
are you can learn create and use one user connection 
Posted Tue, 14 Aug 2012 07:51:47 GMT by Dumitru BERTEANU Graitec ROMANIA

To create an user connection you can use the "Connection template" feature, which allows you to model a specific joint and then insert in the model on existing supporting beams, similar to how a normal joint is created.
Information can be found in the User Guide at page 94 :
The workflow to craete and use a generic beam-rafter user connexction is the following :
- in a new dwg you model all the plates, welds, bolts that form the connection between the column and the rafter, including the support beams.
- you set the UCS in a position that is easy to set when inserting it in the model, like for the example the intersection of the system axis
- create the connection template with the steps mentioned in the User guide. Note that the objects that you need to select are all the plates, features, bolts, welds. The supporting beams (column and rafter in this case) do not need to be included in the selection!
- in the model you set the UCS in the preset position (as mentioned before, a good position would be the intersection of the beams system axis) and insert the joint. The connection will add all the features to the supporting beams, cutting them, together with the other new elements (plates, welds, bolts).
- to help you identifying the support beams, use model roles. When inserting the joint in the model, the interface will ask you to select Beam 1, Beam 2 etc, and if those beams don't have model roles you will not know what beam exactly needs to be selected.

Connections inserted by this features are not interactive, and they don't have a joint dialog, therefore you can't use the copy joint function to copy them in the model. Instead you can use the Advance Copy feature, as follows :
- make sure that all the objects created by the connection template (including the features) are visible in the model
- open Advance Copy (_ASTransformAndConnect, located on the Advance - Tools toolbar)
- Use "Select objects" to select all the objects that are part of the connection (features, bolts, welds, plates etc)
- Check "Include additional connections"
- take a reference distance, for example the distance between the supporting beams system axis

Posted Tue, 14 Aug 2012 11:24:57 GMT by

Possibly as a movie set here .
Posted Sat, 18 Aug 2012 04:37:38 GMT by
had a request from you .
your product is very good and user friendly
I have a suggestion .
Why not just use a wizard to make the user connection  Like similar software .
When the output of the other software using you're software construction details, we have a problem

Posted Mon, 20 Aug 2012 08:22:53 GMT by Dumitru BERTEANU Graitec ROMANIA

A feature request to improve the current User Connection interface and functionality already exists and it will be available in a Future Release.
Posted Mon, 20 Aug 2012 12:09:32 GMT by



thank you very much for your feedback.

Please follow the Graitec announcement for Advance 2013 (planned for Q4 this year) and you might be nicely surprised about the new, improved template connection facility in Advance Steel.

Best Regards

Heiko Graf

CAD Product Line Manager


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