Posted Thu, 11 Apr 2013 18:32:00 GMT by Geoff Willetts MD
I want to be able to create a part drawing for the developed plate of a user section?

I have already created the section but can't produce an automated developement of the section showing the fold lines.

Can I do this or would I have to use the folded plate tool?
Posted Fri, 12 Apr 2013 07:52:13 GMT by Dumitru BERTEANU Graitec ROMANIA
Development drawings can be created only from regular sections like RHS, CHS or folded beams, and not from User sections. So, if you need a specific shape modeled to which you need a development drawing, we recommand you to use the Folded Beam tool.
Posted Mon, 15 Apr 2013 14:42:04 GMT by

In additon to this it is possible to create an unfolded development  drawing for an user profile, providing that profile is defined with the correct bend radii, so that the shape/profile can actual be flat sheet profile.  

This required a change in the "Reserved" column of the actual profile database, the value needs to be changed from 1 to 2, this inturn then allow for the "Unfold" tick box under the Advance steel objects to be activated (not Grayed).  placing a tick in this box then allow the development drawing style to be applied and a flat pattern development be shown.  This change to the database can be made through the GAM> Table editor>ODBC> then the profile table, then the reserved column.

The style can be selected manually from the "Drawing style manager" for ease, the drawing processes for parts are linked to specfic model objects, although they can be adjusted, but this requires some time to carry out and is not normal standard operation by users.

At present if you run the drawing through the process and then in the GAM allow duplicated drawings, you can run the part from the "Drawing style manager" using development style and then add it into the drawing already created for the part via the process.   with 2 views on the drawing the original view can then be deleted so you only have the remaining development view, or if you require then both flat pattern and final profile vias can be left and shown.

Things to look out for are in the Creation of the profile, it must be correct,  by that it must have radii for corners and they must be correct, so if 3 mm on inside and 2mm plate then outside must be 5mm.   if this is not the case then the devlopment style will not flattern out and you will not be able to generate a drawing.

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