• Location Axis Label


    The grid symbol representation on overview drawings will always create the grid symbol on the bottom of the view, and this behavior can't be modified through a drawing or default modification. Moving the grid will help you if you need to create a level overview, where the section of the model where the grid is present doesn't fit inside the detailing model box.

    Dumitru Berteanu
  • Location Axis Label


    To obtain the grid in a specific place on an overview drawing, you need to move the grid object inside the model to that location, or create a copy of it at each level where the grid is required.

    Dumitru Berteanu
  • Why trimmed features of members do not shown up in Advance Steel "Copy and mirror 3D command?


    Please set as checked the default : Copy Tool : Copy also object features from GAM 2012 / Defaults tab (see attached picture). This will allow the Advance Steel copy command to transfer the feature as well during any type of copy command.

    Dumitru Berteanu

    Attachment: [file not found]

  • How to extend member 2 after member 1 has been rotated 90°?


    The workflow is depending on the command used to create the cut in the first place. If you've used the "Mitter" command to make it, then this feature offers to the user three options : Mitter, Saw cut - Flange and Saw cut - Web. In the case presented with Member 1, the joint is set to : Saw cut - Flange. After you rotate the member, you manually need to change the joint option to : Saw cut - Web (this setting will not be done automatically during member rotate).
    The location of this setting is present in the attached picture.

    Dumitru Berteanu

    Attachment: [file not found]

  • Which command shall I use to trim pipes at intersection?


    To create a contour cut in the case described you need to use the command : "Element contour - rule" located on the Beam features ribbon (command : _AstM4CrConByVB ContourNotch) - see attached picture.

    Attachment: [file not found]

  • Migrate customization from AS2011 to AS2012

    Hello,Yes, the Astoraddin.mdb database needs to be copied from AS 2011 to AS 2012, together with the user modified dwg files from the Shared folder, like : prototypes, symbol files and bom on drawing templates.
  • Saw cut list-Pictures


    The beams in your model do not appear in the saw cut - picture list because you do not have any beams with a saw cut in the model. To have a valid saw cut the feature (shortening or contour processing - as in your case) needs to cut through both flanges and the web. In your case, the contour processing at the B1 beams ends do not cut through the lower flange, not triggering a valid saw cut.
    The saw cut lists (with or without pictures) have the content : Beams with saw cut configured, which means that only those beams will appear, and if none of the beams meet this request, the list will be empty. You can change the template content to Beams for example, which will force the beams to appear in the list, but because they don't have valid saw cuts, their picture would be of a uncut beam, and also the angle and distance values associated to the cuts will be 0.
    I've added a small drawing in which you can see the difference between the features on the beams present in your model, and a beam where the feature was modified to create a valid saw cut. Also, using the "Shortening" feature will always get you a valid saw cut (if the angles are different then 0).

    Dumitru Berteanu

    Attachment: beamwithsawcut.zip

  • Saw cut list-Pictures


    Advance Steel uses the database : AstorBitmaps.mdb (located in C:\ProgramData\Graitec\Advance Steel\2011\Steel\Data ) to map the profile - saw angle combination to a suitable picture which is then read from a .dll file in the AS installation. Please check if this table is readable and mapped correctly in the DatabaseConfiguration.xml file (located in C:\ProgramData\Graitec\Advance Steel\2011\Configuration ). If the problem still persists please attached a model/drawing and saved BoM list in which those pictures don't appear, the AstorBitmaps.mdb database and the BoM template used.

    Dumitru Berteanu
  • Error message while opening the Management Tools

    Can you please attached a screenshot of the error message to this topic (you have an attach file option during "Reply" below the textbox ) and mention what version of Advance Steel are you using.
  • How can I import a model from STAAD.PRO??


    Please check the following file : Cis2.cfg, located in C:\ProgramData\Graitec\T\CIS2.
    In the GENMESSAGEFILE line, you should have a path similar to the following one : "SCREEN+C:\ProgramData\Graitec\T\Error.log";, where C:\ProgramData\Graitec is the path of your Graitec database installation folder. If the path has a format like : T:\Error.log, then you'll need to replace it with the correct one in all the paths avaliable in this configuration file. Just replace "T:\" with "C:\ProgramData\Graitec" as the rest of the path even in its incorrect format should be ok.

    Dumitru Berteanu
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