• Single Parts with Assembly label


    Can you please advise the setting for Erection marks.

    That is if it is a MainPart Assembly "Asbly No" or if it is a Single Part "Sp No"

     The sinlge part of the Assembly are usually not required on a Marking plan ! only the Erection marks.

    Refer attachments, Please advise thanks

    Attachment: [file not found]

  • Location Axis Label

    Please advise if the 2D Grid Axis Dialogue can be improved for the next realease and provide a log number.

    The Grids should able be on the Top as well as Bottom, Refer initial posts

    Extract from previous help request below.

    "Do you know if this has been addressed in 2013, seems a bit limited to put it mildly.

    Double clicking on the 2D Grid options gives some really odd results. Text dissappears etc."

     I find the dialogue box very limited.

    I really hope that "this is a future improvement request" means that the Grids can be be usefully manipulated.

    Kim  Smith

  • Erection diagram Mark Locations

    This is similar to the standard in Australia.
    The Mark (Part Label) on the Plan or GA should be towards one end of the member and the "Mark"
    on the Detail drawing is placed in a similar location.
      Can the position of the Part Label, along a member be controlled on the Plans or Ga ?
    if this is possible a dummy symbol could be added to say 500mm along from the Left of the member detail
     via a connection could it not ?
    Please advise

  • I posted a question on the Forum today and it is not showing

    I posted a question on thr Forum today and it is not showing ? 22/05/2013
    I asked a Question 3 weeks ago with this E-support and have had no reply !
    please advise if you receive these comments to confirm if my setings are OK.
    Regards Kim Smith
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